Varick Planning Board February 25, 2021


Varick Planning Board February 25, 2021


Varick Planning Board

25, 2021

Present: Linda Mastellar
(chair), Hershey Sensenig, Rich Olsen (via Zoom), Michele Hermann (via
Zoom), Frankie Long (via Zoom), Thomas Björkman (Secretary, via Zoom), one

Visitors: Lauren Burling
(via Zoom), Levi Stoltzfus, Tom Karlsen; Rick Willower,
Annie Bachman.

Called to order 7:01 pm

Approval of minutes from
January 2021.  Moved by Sensenig, Second
by Long  Approved 5-0


Chair Mastellar reported
that we will hear more from county clerk’s office regarding confirming that
subdivisions are filed as they were approved.. No progress at Sheriff regarding
their evaluation of enforceability of the proposed Noise Ordinance.

The proposal is for the
subdivision Rick and Scott Willower. A subdivision approved in June 2019 is
still pending. The owners have determined that they prefer not to transfer one
of the parcels involved in a land swap. They would like affirmation from the
Planning Board that the incomplete execution of the subdivision meets all of
the requirements.

Resolution: We accepted a request for a modification to the
subdivision approval from June 2019, wherein Parcel 12.11 will remain with
Willower. Inasmuch as partial completion of the transaction maintains contiguous
ownership and the 30-foot strip will not be extended, it is consistent with the
all of the requirements we had for the original subdivision. If the applicant
provides an updated map consistent with this description, it can be signed by
the chair.

Moved by Long, Second by
Sensenig, Approved 4-0-1

Stoltzfus subdivision. Applicants, Levi Stoltzfus and Elam Fisher, buyers. Stephen
and Fannie Smoker, owners.

Resolution: We accepted a preliminary plat to subdivide Lot
14-1-07.2 into two parcels, Parcel A consisting of 42.829 acres of fields, and
Parcel B of 30.185 acres with a farmstead and about 28 acres of field. The
frontage and narrowest part are over 100 feet wide. We will also receive an
agricultural data statement and Environmental Assessment Form. The application
will need to be filed by the present owner.


Moved by Olsen, Second by
Sensenig Approved 5-0

Definitions of various
transient-housing uses.
Annie Bachman, Chair of the Zoning Board of Appeals,
raised several questions regarding definition of cottages, transient housing
and related matters. For next meeting, we need to define cabins and cottages in
the context of campground and trailer-camp use. Furthermore, we need to cover additional
options that are becoming relevant today so that all potential residential and
lodging options are covered.

Also make sure the phrasing on non-conforming
uses is unambiguous, e.g. “without interruption”.


Ms. Bachman also discussed an application
for a Use Variance for housing at Hillside. It will be presented to the ZBA at
their March 11 meeting, but it won’t be discussed then. A public hearing will
be later, likely around end of March at the Romulus firehouse.

Adjournment moved by Sensenig, second
by Hermann. Passed 5-0

Adjourned at 9:15 pm


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