Varick Planning Board November 19, 2020


Varick Planning Board November 19, 2020


Varick Planning Board

November 19, 2020 

Present: Linda Mastellar (chair), Rich Olsen (via Zoom), Michele Hermann (via Zoom), Frankie Long, Thomas Björkman (Secretary, via Zoom), one vacancy. 
Absent:  Hershey Sensenig. 

Called to order 7:02 pm

Minutes of October 22, 2020 accepted: moved by Hermann, second by Long, passed 5-0.

Subdivision procedure. 

We need to formalize a process for following up on subdivision approvals with the County Clerk. This information will let us validate that they were recorded as approved. If something is incomplete, we need to notify the landowner what additional steps they need to do.

Linda will call county clerk what she would recommend to confirm that a new deed and map was filed, and what is a reasonable time after the closing for that information to be available. How are lot-line moves reflected in tax records of the parcel? 

We should provide the landowner with instructions on what needs to happen next in order to completely fulfil the process. All the parties to a lot-line move need to sign the application in the future (Thomas will note on the application form).

Noise ordinance. 

Made small changes to reflect Town Board concerns. 


Forward the current text to the Town Board with the recommendation that it be adopted as town law. 

Moved by Björkman, second by Olsen. Passed 5-0.

Mastellar will call sheriff again to see about enforceability of the proposed noise ordinance. We hope to get an answer before the town board meeting.

Björkman will send the text to Town Clerk Donna Karlsen for distribution to board members. 

Adjourn. Moved Björkman, second Long, Passed 5-0. 8:41 pm



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