Varick Planning Board February 27, 2020


Varick Planning Board February 27, 2020

Varick Planning Board

February 27, 2020

taken by Linda Mastellar, transcribed by Thomas Björkman

Linda Mastellar (chair), Frankie Long, Michele Hermann, Hershey Sensenig. Absent:
Rich Olsen, Thomas Björkman (Secretary), one vacancy.


Parella subdivision

We accepted the preliminary plat in January. The action is a lot-line
move on two properties on East Lake Rd.
is a proposal to enlarge parcel 10-3-2A (5487 East Lake Rd.) by taking about 9.4
acres from 10-3-25.111.

public hearing


public hearing Moved by Hermann, second by Sensenig. All in Favor

to approve subdivision.

The Varick planning board issues Final Approval of the Parella
subdivision. This action transfers 9.4 acres of Lot
10-3-25.111 to Lot 10-3-2A.

The applicant supplied an Agricultural data statement. The board
finds that there will be no impact on adjoining agricultural uses because the
land use will remain the same and contains no agricultural use. 

The board received the Short Environmental Assessment Form and
declared itself the lead agency for State Environmental Quality Review. Upon
review of the EAF, the board found no impact because the action will lead to no
change in land use, nor create a condition that would encourage one. The board
makes a negative declaration of environmental impact.

The application was reviewed by the county planning board, which
recommended approval.

Moved by Sensenig, seconded by Long

Passed with 5-0

Dog ordinance.


Noise ordinance. Dave
McMillan (State Trooper) says that calling 911 will result in sending someone.

says that the ordinance needs to be enforceable. Waterloo has an enforceable noise
ordinance. It would be valuable to have a consistent rule with Fayette and Romulus.

Vacation rental. Ask
owners to post a chart of the regulations. Annie Bachman provided a sample. Any
vacation-rental regulations need the intent clearly stated.

the meeting. Moved by Hermann, second by Long.

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