Varick Planning Board April 18, 2019


Varick Planning Board April 18, 2019

VVarick Planning Board

April 18, 2019
Called to order at 7:00 pm
Present: : Linda Mastellar (Chair), Frankie Long, Thomas Björkman (Secty),  Hershey Sensenig, Rich Olsen. Absent: Michele Hermann, excused One vacancy.
Guests: Mark Fuentes with AT&T, Art Sherman, Tim Dorn
March Minutes approved 4-0 Moved by Mastellar, Second Long
Special use permit for cell tower
Public hearing opened. 7:03. Mr. Fuentes described the proposal. Move to close by Sensenig, second by Long, passed 4-0
Resolution: Having met all the requirements of for a Special Use Permit of a Telecommunications Tower, a Special Use Permit is approved for AT&T to install antennas on the existing tower at 1790 Rt. 336, subject to approval by the Town Attorney of the terms of the letter of credit for removal.
Moved by Björkman, Second by Olsen, passed 5-0
Sherman subdivision.
County recommend approving, contingent on completion of survey and attaching the 47 feet to the adjacent lot. 
Public hearing opened at 7:18 
Mastellar noted that she is a neighbor. A completed survey was provided.
Public Hearing closed 7:21
Resolution: TheVarick Planning Board issues final approval of the Sherman sub-division East Lake Rd. The action transfers 47 feet from lot 6-2.02 to lot 6-2.01 to make lots of 147 ft and 150 ft.
The board received the Short Environmental Assessment Form and declared itself the lead agency for State Environmental Quality Review. Upon review of the EAF, the board found no impact because the action will lead to no change in land use, nor creates a condition that would encourage one. The board makes a negative declaration of environmental impact,.
The application was reviewed by the county planning board, which recommended approval.
Moved by Olsen, second by Sensenig, passed 5-0.
Willower subdivision.Landowners, Rick and Scott Willower, and Bruce and Tracey Maybury.       
Accepted a preliminary sketch plan of a lot-line move on several properties on Rt. 96A, Tax map lots 06-1-11.11, 12.2, 12.11 and 12.12. Narrow (30 ft) driveway access to 40 acres. Goal is to consolidate several parcels belonging to two owners so that each owner has a contiguous on either side of the railroad. The existing 30-foot access would not get wider, but would get slightly longer. 
The Willower lot will be all land west of the railroad, plus a 30-foot access on the south side running east to RT. 96A. The Maybury lot will be the balance of the land east of the railroad. 
The current use of the future Willower lot is woods, the future Maybury lot is farmed. There is a barn but no other structures. 
The 30-foot access is less than the required 100 feet. This non-conforming access exists. The slight extension represents a trivial amount of increase in the non-conforming condition (from ~1400 to ~1800 ft) and has no impact on the access or development potential of the property.
The applicant provided an Environmental Assessment Form, an Agricultural Data Statement and a town subdivision application and the fee.
We will submit to the county planning board for May 9 and schedule a public hearing for May 23.
Moved by Björkman, Second by Sensenig, passed 5-0.
We will check that subdivision proposals that were denied have not been filed.
Somerville subdivision.Submitted a preliminary plat. Proposal is a major subdivision of lot 6-1-40 on Yale Farm Rd., owned by James and Dorothy Somerville. Plan is to create seven one-acre lots. The land is currently farmed by an adjoining landowner. 
Initial discussion was held on July 26, 2018.
The requirements of the application in Section V 3(A) of the subdivision code were met, except
(6) Location, size, flow direction and grade of culvert in center of lot (approx 18” diameter) that ends in the ditch on Yale Farm Road. 
Will send to county for their May 9 meeting if the materials with culvert information is received by April 26. We will schedule a public hearing for May 23, 2019.
Resolution to accept application and sending on to County Planning Board with the correction of address and addition of culvert information.
Moved by Mastellar, Second by Sensenig passed 5-0.
Adjournment moved by Sensenig, second by Olsen, passed 5-0
Adjourned 9:18 pm

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