Varick Planning Board, October 25, 2018


Varick Planning Board, October 25, 2018

Varick Planning Board
October 25, 2018
Called to order at 7:00 pm
Present: : Linda Mastellar (Chair), Frankie Long, Hershey Sensenig, Rich Olsen, Bill Yale, Thomas Björkman (Secty).  Absent: David Kidd, excused.
Minutes of September 2018 approved. Moved by Mastellar, Second by Yale. All in favor. 
Subdivision of Parcel 1-02-32, located at 895 Yale Farm Road, Applicant Thomas Karlsen, executor for the estate of Mary Alice Karlsen.
Public hearing called to order7:03, No comments
Closed 7:04 on a motion by Björkman, Second by Sensenig. All in favor.
Discussion centered on avoiding creation of a landlocked parcel. A solution was identified an is reflected in the approving resolution.
The County Planning Board recommended keeping the residual part of original lot in same ownership as adjoining lot to the north. The Varick Planning Board felt this was best accomplished by merging the residual part of the original lot into the adjoining lot to the north, which is under the same ownership and all of the resulting parcel is currently farmed.
Motion:Approve dividing current parcel 1-02-32, joining 3.5 acres to parcel 01-2-30.1, and the remaining acres to adjoining parcel 01-2-16.1. Parcel 1-02-32 is thereby eliminated.
Moved by Björkman second by Sensenig. All in favor(6-0).

Vacation rentals.
Dave Bowe Sunset Bay. He has written the board about this topic in the past. New buyers are turning residential properties into commercial rentals, and some are absentee owners. If overdone, this trend reduces the quality of life by turning a residential neighborhood into a commercial one.
Fayette addressed the issue through a revocable permit. Mr. Bowe supports that approach, the most effective for keeping the renters under control. The main issue for him is a lot of late loud parties. 
The board indicated that a noise ordinance would be a primary component of addressing the noise problem directly. Furthermore, a revocable permit is recognized as a good mechanism for enforcement of good behavior by rental guests.
Reviewed Zoning Code Enforcement Officers report. 
The pending Major Subdivision by Somerville is on hold. They are waiting to get municipal water before moving forward.
An application is in the works for solar-energy development on Depot. The County Planning office indicated that the town can institute a moratorium beforeaccepting the application.  It would be subject to Site Plan Review under normal procedures for that district.
Motion to Adjourn moved by Sensenig, second by Long. All in favor.

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