Varick Planning Board September 27, 2018


Varick Planning Board September 27, 2018

Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m.
Members Present: 
Linda Mastellar, Bill Yale, Rich Olsen (acting secretary) and Frankie Long.  Also present were Thomas Karlsen, Gideon
Stoltzfus, and Susan Ottenweller.
Absent:  Hershey Sensenig,
Thomas Bjorkman and David Kidd
Previous meeting notes reviewed and motion by Bill Yale,
seconded by Frankie Long and so carried unanimously to approve the minutes of
August 30, 2018.
The board reviewed an application submitted by the Allen’s who
supplied an agricultural data statement. 
The board finds that there will be no impact on adjoining agricultural
uses because the land use will remain agriculture.
The board received the short Environmental Assessment Form
and declared itself the lead agency for State Environmental Quality
Review.  Upon review of the EAF, the
board found no impact because the action will lead to no change in land use,
nor creates a condition that would encourage one.  The board makes a negative declaration of
environmental impact.
The application was reviewed by the county planning board,
which recommended unconditional approval. 
A motion by Richard Olsen, seconded by Linda Mastellar and
so carried unanimously that the Varick Planning Board issues final approval of the
Allen sub-division.  The action transfers
29.042 acres of Lot 12-1-44.211 to a new lot number to be determined by Seneca
A motion by Linda Mastellar, seconded by Frankie Long and so
carried unanimously to open the public hearings at 7:05 p.m. regarding an
application for approval of a major subdivision of property located on Yale
Farm Road, Parcel Number 06-1-10 submitted by Barry Somerville as POA for James
O. Somerville and a minor subdivision of property located on Ernsberger Road,
parcel number 12-1-44.21 submitted by Gideon Z. Stoltzfus.
Mr. Somerville was not present for the public hearing for
this sub-division request. Seneca County Planning Board recommended preliminary
approval of their request contingent on certain requirements as outline in
their resolution.  The Varick planning
board tabled Somerville’s major subdivision request until further documentation
of completion of requested work is submitted by Mr. Somerville.   
The Planning Board considered the Gedeon Stoltzfus’s appeal
for subdivision into two lots, one lot is 44 acres and the second lot is 30
acres.  Mr. Stoltzfus presented a survey
map to be signed by Linda Mastellar. 
A motion by Linda Mastellar, seconded by Frankie Long and so
carried unanimously to close the public hearings at 7:40 p.m.
Mr. Thomas Karlsen requested an application for subdivision
of property located on Yale Farm Road, agricultural lot number 1-2-16.1 to be
added to lot number 1-2-31 which they are in the process of purchasing.  They would like to have access to the pond
and gas well. 
A motion by Bill Yale, seconded by Linda Mastellar and so
carried to hold a public hearing on October 27th at 7:00 on a minor
sub-division of parcel number 1-2-16.1 located on Yale Farm Road owned by the
estate of Mary Alice Karlsen. 
Roll Call:
Linda Mastellar           Yes
Frankie Long              Yes
Bill Yale                      Yes
Rich Olsen                  Abstain
Yes– 3 No-1
Susan Ottenweller, ZBA requested a joint meeting in February
to review codes and revise if necessary to clarify vacation rentals, campers,
A motion by Rich Olsen, seconded by Linda Mastellar and so
carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m.


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