Varick Planning Board August 9, 2018


Varick Planning Board August 9, 2018

Varick Planning Board
August 9, 2018
Present: Frankie Long, Rich Olsen, Hershey Sensenig, Thomas Björkman (secretary and acting chair for the evening). 
Absent: Linda Mastellar, David Kidd, Bill Yale (not yet sworn in)
Public hearing opened on Allen subdivision and SEQR at 7:03 pm. Hearing no comments, the public hearing was closed.

Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm 
The Varick planning board issues Final Approval of the Allen subdivision. This action transfers 40 acres of Lot 40-1-20.11 to Lot 14-1-09.2.
The applicant supplied an Agricultural data statement. The board finds that there will be no impact on adjoining agricultural uses because the land use will remain  agriculture.
The board received the Short Environmental Assessment Form and declared itself the lead agency for State Environmental Quality Review. Upon review of the EAF, the board found no impact because the action will lead to no change in land use, nor creates a condition that would encourage one. The board makes a negative declaration of environmental impact,.
The application was reviewed by the county planning board, which recommended approval with the proviso that no new tax lot be created. This resolution incorporates the restriction that the action create no new tax lot; it may only move the line between the lots.
Moved by Björkman, seconded by Sensenig. 
Passed with all in favor, 4-0
Reviewed Zoning Compliance Officer’s report.
Motion to adjourn by Sensenig, second by Long. Adjourned 7:25 pm

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