Varick Planning Board February 22, 2018


Varick Planning Board February 22, 2018

Present: Hershey Sensenig, Frankie Long, Rich Olsen, Thomas Björkman, Linda Mastellar
Absent: David Kidd, one vacancy
Call to order at 7:03
Minutes approved: Moved by Long, Second by Olsen.  All in favor.
Discussed potential candidates for filling the vacancy.
David Kidd will not be able to attend for several months. We will try to accommodate the absence, but he is amenable to stepping aside if there is a good replacement. 
Public hearing on Young subdivision
Opened at 7:10
No comments. 
Closed 7:11
Surveyor Dave Hanley was present to represent the owner.
The County Planning Board recommends approval of the subdivision. 
Resolution: The Varick Planning Board provides final approval the subdivision of the Young Property, 10-4-1.11.
Moved Thomas Björkman. Second Rich Olsen. Approved 5-0.
Björkman provided a short report on the Romulus Planning Board actions in regard to the proposed trash incinerator in the Flaum area of the Depot.
We have not heard back from the county regarding our subdivision process. 
Linda recommended having our Code Enforcement Officer, Tim Dorn, attend next time. 
Adjourn 8:02 Moved: Hershey Sensenig, Second: Rich Olsen Passed 5-0. 

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