Varick Planning Board 6/23/17


Varick Planning Board 6/23/17

Approved Copy PB minutes 6/23/17
Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm. All members present except Linda.
Tom was chair in her absence.
Previous meeting minutes read and approved – motion made by Dave,
second by Tom.
Public hearing was called to order regarding Cornerstone Mennonite
Church and school. Nobody present with any concerns.
Cornerstone Mennonite Church presented their application for
subdivision and special use permit with sketch of changes. They talked to
neighbors, Witmer’s and Swartley’s, and said there were no objections to
building. The following motion was made by Hershey, seconded by Dave: We move
to forward the application for a subdivision and special use permit presented
by Cornerstone Mennonite Church to the Seneca County Planning Board for review
to build a church, school for no more than 42 students, and cemetery. Motion
was passed.
Greg McNeeley presented a map showing a proposed moving of his property
line. The property in view did not meet the 100’ wide lot size so we suggested
that he either go to the Zoning Board of Appeals or see Mike Karlsen about
changing the property pin to meet the 100’ width.
Tim Dorn, our new code enforcement officer, came to the meeting and had
a few questions about signing off for zoning permit. He presented the
application for Cornerstone Mennonite Church.
Rich Olsen informed us that the county is proposing to post online town
applications for solar and wind use permits.
Hershey moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Frankie, approved. Next
meeting will be on 7/27/17.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary

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