PB minutes 4/27/17

PB minutes 4/27/17

PB Meeting Minutes 4/27/17
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm. Members present were Linda, Tom,
Rich, Frankie, Hershey, and Barry.
March meeting minutes were read and approved, motion made by Linda,
second by Rich.
Members from Cornerstone Mennonite Church attended our meeting and
presented tentative plans for building a church, school, and cemetery on
McGrane Rd. Plot is 400’ square and does not meet setbacks for construction.
There is no problem with subdivision code but we discussed the issue of
granting a special use permit rather than conditional use. We suggested that
they increase the setback on the south side from 50’ to 100’ and provide
reasonable green space between parking lot and property line. They also could
increase the lot on the north side by 50’. Future screening needs to be
considered if land to the south is developed for residences. Parking spaces
must also be farther from the road than drawn on the plan.
Linda will send them an email or letter informing them of our
suggestions and refer them to zoning code for special use permit application
(404.2). We are hoping to expedite procedures so they can open the school by
September 1.
Earl Martin attended our meeting and presented a map of the depot
property that he has purchased. He shared with us some of his development plans
which we appreciated. Of most concern to him were the building of an
agricultural fence and opening old county road 135 between Routes 96 and 96A.
Tom entered two items into Google Docs that should be changed in the
next code revision:
404.2 – the special use procedure mentions “large business.” We do not
designate “large business” any more. It should be changed to “special use” or
something similar.
310.2 – should read “under 35” rather than “over 35” as specified in the
Use Table.
Next meeting is May 25th. Motion to adjourn made by Hershey,
second by Rich at 9:35.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary

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