Varick Planning Board 3/23/17


Varick Planning Board 3/23/17

PB minutes 3/23/17
Meeting called to order at 7:04. Members present – Rich,
Frankie, Tom, Linda, Barry for quorum.
Minutes were read for February meeting. Motion made by Tom,
seconded by Linda. A revision is to be made to those notes that Harriet gave each
member present 1 ½ hours of training time. Minutes approved.
Public hearing was held in regard to the Hudson subdivision
discussed at our last meeting. Nobody was present except for Kathy Hudson and
Mike Karlsen. Tom moved to approve the subdivision per the recommendation of
the Seneca County Planning Board resolution 5-17. Barry seconded – motion
approved with one abstention.
Linda gave us the brochure for the Regional Local Government
Workshop for the Spring 2017 session. We will decide who is going and what
classes will be taken at the next meeting so we can forward the reservations to
Joan Albany sent a note to Linda that she did not have
enough subdivision maps to have her own signed copy. Linda stamped and signed
three more for her.
Linda again noted that all inquiries about building permits
should be referred to our Zoning Code Officer, Rick McCullough.
Next meeting is April 27. Tom motioned for adjournment, Rich
seconded, approved at 7:40.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary

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