Town Board 2015 December

Town Board 2015 December

Varick Town Board

December 31, 2015

The special year end meeting of the Varick Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Robert Hayssen at 10:00 a.m. Present at this meeting were Council Members Kathy Russo, John Saeli, and Richard Peterson, Town Clerk, Donna Karlsen, and Bookkeeper, Angel Testa. Also present were Tom Fox and Aneta Glover from the Ovid Gazette. Absent: Todd Horton

Bill Trout from the Town of Fayette dropped off a letter to be distributed at the Town of Varick Board meeting to be held January 5, 2016. This letter will be reviewed by the board members prior to that meeting, with discussion to be held January 5th.

A motion by John Saeli, seconded by Richard Peterson and so carried unanimously to approve

  • Abstract No. 13, General, Vouchers A0015-229 to A0015-237 in the amount of $829.59,
  • Highway, Vouchers DA015-094 to DA015-100 in the amount of $1,175.30,
  • Varick Water District No. 1, Vouchers VW115-019 to VW115-021 in the amount of $8,519.49,
  • Seneca Lake Water District, Vouchers SWS15-056 to SWS15-058 in the amount of $996.28,
  • Varick Water District No. 3, VW315-022 to VW315-024 in the amount of $8,477.81,
  • Varick Water District No. 4, VW415-034 to VW415-035 in the amount of $680.89,
  • Varick Sewer District No. 1, Voucher VS115-035 in the amount of $74.71,
  • Varick Sewer District No. 2, SSS15-049 to SSS15-050 in the amount of $5,240.00.

A motion by John Saeli, seconded by Richard Peterson and so carried unanimously to approve payment of the following invoices for Varick Water District No. 4, Capital project: Municipal Solutions: $10,159.24, Orrick $ 7,470.00

A motion by John Saeli, seconded by Richard Peterson and so carried unanimously to approve Amendment to the Town of Varick, General Fund, SLF & SLR, Resolution No. 16.

A motion by John Saeli, seconded by Richard Peterson and so carried unanimously to approve Amendment to the Town of Varick Seneca Lake Water District, Resolution No. 17.

A motion by John Saeli, seconded by Richard Peterson and so carried unanimously to approve Amendment to the Town of Varick, Water District No. 1, Resolution No. 18. A motion by John Saeli, seconded by Richard Peterson and so carried unanimously to approve Amendment to the Town of Varick, Water District No. 3, Resolution No. 19.

A motion by John Saeli, seconded by Richard Peterson and so carried unanimously to approve Amendment to the Town of Varick, Water District No. 4, Resolution No. 20.

A motion by Richard Peterson, seconded by John Saeli and so carried unanimously to approve Town of Varick, Water District No 4, Project Budget Modification, Capital Project, Resolution No. 21.

Mr. Peterson thanked John Saeli for his 8 years of service as town councilman and noted that in his 30 years on the board found him to be one of the best representatives for the tax payers. Mrs. Russo and Mr. Hayssen echoed their appreciation of the work that he has done over the last 8 years. Mr. Saeli thanked the board for their services and recognized the Town Clerk and Bookkeeper for their dedication and hard work as well. Mr. Saeli, on other business stated that he would like to see the depot property not be turned over to a tax exempt entity, but wants this property put back on the tax rolls as a taxable entity. It was noted that all proposals for this land is to be submitted by the end of February 2016 to the IDA. He also would like to see a water line run up Yale Farm Road only if the cost of running and maintaining this line can support itself and not depend on the current users to support this extension.

Mr. Fox spoke to Judge Ettman who still wants court security provided. After speaking to the town attorney, it was suggested that the board hire Jim Carassimi to provide security in the interim until further research can be done. The town attorney reviewed the town’s liability if this protection was not provided. The board agreed to hire Jim Carassimi to provide armed security and the town will add him to their liability coverage. Mr. Fox will get a job application from him, which will then be submitted to the personnel office at the county for approval.

A motion by John Saeli, seconded by Richard Peterson and so carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 11:25 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted, Donna Karlsen Varick Town Clerk

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