Varick Planning Board 1/26/17


Varick Planning Board 1/26/17

PB Minutes 1/26/17
Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm. All members present.
Previous meeting minutes were read and approved; motion made
by Hershey, second by Rich.
Mike Karlsen presented subdivision maps on behalf of Diane
Dinsmore for property along Willers Rd and 414. Subdivision proposal had no
zoning conflicts. Donna Karlsen will be notified to schedule a public hearing
for Feb. 23, 2017.
Mike addressed some thoughts about our letter that notified
local lawyers, surveyors, banks, etc. about the need to properly submit
subdivision plans. We were aware of some of the observations he made and
appreciated his input. One area he was concerned about was the issue of
enforcing the parameters of building plans. Checks and balances ought to be put
in place to confirm that the original plans submitted for building a structure
are actually fulfilled. He also offered to print our stamp on any maps he
submits for subdivision so we only need to sign them.
Linda informed the board that Frankie Long is interested in
coming back to the planning board. A motion was made by Tom that she be
accepted as a new member of the board. Second was made by Dave and approved.
This will be submitted to the Town Board for their next meeting.
Harriet Haynes will be coming to our next meeting to discuss
subdivision approval in relationship to county planning board expectations. We
look forward to her input and information.
We had a brief discussion about the zoning provision to move
a property line which was brought up by Mike Karlsen. We may just need to
revisit the language to see if any changes need to be made such as how far such
lines can be extended.
Motion was made to adjourn by Hershey, second by Tom. Next
meeting is 2/23/17.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary

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