PB minutes 12/22/16

PB minutes 12/22/16

PB Minutes 12/22/16
Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm. Members present – Linda, Barry,
Dave, Hershey, and Rich.
Previous minutes were reviewed and approved – motion made by Hershey,
seconded by Linda.
A public hearing was held in regard to the subdivision proposed by
Robert Parker. No members of the community were present. Mr. Parker presented
all the required maps for stamping. The board gave final approval for stamping
– motion made by Dave, second by Hershey. Linda stamped and signed several maps
– two were retained for PB records. This subdivision is exempt from SEQR
approval according to NYS Code of Rules and Regulations – 6CR-NY 617.5 (c)
Linda informed us of a form received by Ms. Albany from the county
concerning SEQR requirements. It is not a legal requirement, but the county
wants to have the form on record. We will review one next meeting.
Linda also discussed a letter received by the IDA that informed us of
their desire to be the lead agency for SEQR in regard to the depot property.
Any opposition to the proposal was to be forwarded to them within thirty days
(which was fulfilled before our meeting). We decided not to challenge the
proposal since we do not feel adequately qualified to be the lead agency for
the Town of Varick.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm – motion made by Hershey, second by Dave.
Next meeting will be 1/26/17.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary

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