PB Minutes 11/17/16

PB Minutes 11/17/16

Draft Copy PB Meeting 11/17/16
Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm. Members present: Linda, Rich,
Hershey, Barry.
Robert Parker presented an application and map for a minor subdivision
approval from the estate of James Cross at 2560 Ogden Road. The subdivision
property will be bought as a whole and divided into two equal lots. Hershey
brought a motion to approve the subdivision, seconded by Barry, approved by
all. Donna will be notified to schedule a public hearing for Dec. 22. This
subdivision is exempt from SEQR approval according to NYS Code of Rules and
Regulations – 6CR-NY 617.5 (c) (19).
Nobody was present at the public hearing for subdivision of Jim
Somerville’s property to be sold to Scott Ditzell. Jim presented all county
maps of the proposed property for subdivision on 96a. Since this is county
approved and no other maps are available the board gave final approval and will
stamp the map asap. Hershey put forth the motion of approval, seconded by Rich,
approved by all. This subdivision is exempt from SEQR approval according to NYS
Code of Rules and Regulations – 6CR-NY 617.5 (c) (19).
Nobody was present for the public hearing for subdivision proposed by
Joan Albany. Barry motioned to grant final approval, seconded by Linda, all
approved. Map will be stamped and forwarded to Ms. Albany. This subdivision is
exempt from SEQR approval according to NYS Code of Rules and Regulations –
6CR-NY 617.5 (c) (19).
Minutes for 10/27/16 were reviewed and approved with the exception of
changing Ernsberger Rd to Ogden Rd in paragraph six. Motion made by Rich,
seconded by Linda.
The board then reviewed the subdivision application checklist and
application forms worked on at our last meeting. Barry presented the revised
forms which were approved with the exception of striking the words “of legal
size” in the first sentence of point 5. Final Approval. Motion to approve made
by Linda, seconded by Hershey. These forms will be forwarded to Donna Karlsen
and placed on our website.
Rich notified us that he sent out the subdivision letters on Nov. 7.
Linda received notification from the Finger Lakes Times that they were confused
about what we wanted them to publish in regard to this letter. We revised the
letter for publication and Rich will forward to Linda to resend to the Times as
a news release. The same letter will be sent to the Reveille.
A number of names were mentioned as possible candidates to fill PB
vacancy: Jim Hagadorn, Benjamin Williams, and Tom Wilson. We will continue to
seek a person for this position.
Hershey made a motion to adjourn, Rich seconded. Meeting adjourned at
8:34 pm. Next meeting is 12/22.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary

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