PB Minutes 9/22/16

PB Minutes 9/22/16

Draft Copy PB Minutes 9/22/16
Meeting called to order at 7:03. Members present – Linda, Barry,
Hershey, Tom.
Previous meeting minutes were not available for review.
Linda informed the board that Bill Squires has resigned. We will be
looking for a suitable replacement.
We were expecting Jim Somerville and Scott Ditzell to be present with
info on their subdivision progress. The ZBA has given a variance for the 30’
frontage on 96a. Linda will inform Jim to bring a letter of intent to subdivide
based on criteria in our current code. We expect to review this at the next
We are also concerned that we keep record of all subdivisions that are
final. In this case, no further subdivisions can be made without access to a
road. We should include this information in our application form for
subdivisions – something to the effect of when the property was last
subdivided. In this way we can determine if a legal subdivision is possible.
Rich Olsen may be able to help the TB and PB to post minutes on the same
blog. This will improve the appearance and availability of the minutes.
Barry will attend the next TB meeting on Oct. 4.
Next PB meeting is Oct. 27. We are to review Town of Conesus
application for subdivision for discussion and possible pattern for our own
application at the next meeting.
Motion for adjournment made by Hershey, seconded by Barry at 7:50.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville

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