Varick Planning Board 7/28/16


Varick Planning Board 7/28/16

Draft Copy PB minutes 7/28/16
Meeting called to order at 7:05. All members present.
Previous minutes were reviewed and approved – motion made by
Hershey, second by Rich.
Rich volunteered to attend Town Board meeting next Tuesday.
Linda informed us of a request made by the TB to formulate
code concerning vacation rentals. Concerns about noise, lighting, parking,
trespassing, and trash should be addressed. Bill is going to check the Geneva
zoning code on this issue.
We need to work on subdivision code as it relates to the
selling of farmland, especially in situations where a 100’ road frontage for
access to farmland poses a problem.
Linda gave us a brief update on the subdivision proposal by
Sonja Wirth. Right now, what she has proposed as a right of way for access to
acreage behind her house does not conform to code.
We all received a copy of the letter Tom composed to make
necessary parties aware of the need to properly observe and promote subdivision
code in our town. We spent some time reviewing and rewriting portions of the
letter. Addressees include the Seneca County Clerk, local attorneys, surveyors,
realtors, bank mortgage departments, and title companies.
The following
notes of Planning Board meeting (July 28, 2016) were added by David Kidd:
Final modifications were made to the letter
Thomas drafted regarding notifying relevant local agencies, businesses and
individuals of the need to reference town subdivision code in any real estate
transaction involving subdivision.
Rich will attend the next Town Board meeting
to inquire of the town attorney about any decision regarding subdivisions that
did not meet the code that existed at the time of the subdivision. Thomas sent
an email to the Town clerk requesting a spot on the agenda of the next meeting
for Rich, and forwarded a copy of the letter regarding subdivision code for
their review.
There are a lot of questions relating to the
future development of the former depot property. Earl Martin was not able to
make our July meeting. Hershey will contact him to attend the August
meeting.  The Planning Board needs to be kept in the loop of development
Ricky McCulloch advised the PB that the
garage on Rt. 336, at Long Meadow Trailer Court, is being operated by someone
other than those who secured a Special Use Permit for the business. Also, there
is a question of whether it is being used for the purpose for which the permit
was obtained.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary

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