Varick Planning Board 6/23/16


Varick Planning Board 6/23/16

Town of Varick
Planning Board minutes – June
23, 2016
Board members in attendance:
Rich, Linda, Hershey, Dave
Ricky McCullough (Code
Enforcement Officer) also attended.
Meeting called to order
Katherine Potter of Yale
Manor, was granted an area variance by the ZBA to allow 100’ setbacks at the sides and 50’ setback at the back of the Yale
Manor lot. She requested a Special Use Permit to change from a Bed and
Breakfast to an Inn (6‑12 bedrooms).
Neighbors of the proposed
Yale Manor, Richard Serfass, and Dawn Eno expressed concerns about potential of
increased violations of private property by Yale Manor guests going to its
lakefront. Mr. Serfass has already had guests of current facility use his yard
as a shortcut to the lake.
Yale Manor plans are for a perimeter
fence to contain animals boarded there in the future. This would also force
foot traffic to Yale Farm Rd. Linda explained that property violations and increased
lake use are not zoning issues. Katherine Potter stated it is her intention to
prevent guests, as much as possible, from any use of property not belonging to
Yale Manor and to en- courage a quiet and peaceful environment.
The board determined that
Yale Manor fits the definition of a small business. Hershey made a motion to
grant a Special Use Permit contingent upon Yale Manor meeting other criteria
listed in section 405 of the Varick Zoning Code to operate an Inn
including no more than 4 Yurts. David seconded the motion. The motion passed
unanimously. Rich noted this is the kind of business we want to encourage in
Sonya Wirth wants to
subdivide her property on Kings Corners Road, selling off 38.4 landlocked acres
for agricultural use. She has been pursuing this objective based on information
she be- lieved accurate, but which is in conflict with current subdivision
code. Several suggestions were made that could resolve the matter, but would
require cooperation from neighbors, or Ms. Wirth taking 1 00’ of road frontage
from current parcels she owns to make it part of the 38.4 acre par- cel. Rich
made a motion to request the ZBA review her subdivision request. Hershey
seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Thomas has drafted a letter
to concerned parties in the area highlighting the need to have plan- ning board
review of any subdivision request prior to granting of any subdivision. Linda
will for- ward Thomas’ letter to board members for review. We will vote on this
letter first thing at our July meeting.
Hershey will ask the new
owner of the army depot property, Earl Martin, to attend our next meeting.
Hershey made a motion to
adjourn, David seconded. Meeting adjourned 9:10.
Respectfully submitted,
David Kidd

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