PB Minutes 3/24/2016

Planning Board minutes 3/24/2016
Members present: Linda, Hershey, Rich, Bill, David
Ricky McCulloch. the new Code
Enforcement Officer was also present
Minutes from the February meeting were not available
for approval. We will review those
at our April meeting.
Hal Ferguson provided Land Platt copies for the
exchange of two parcels of property
between himself and neighbors, the James’. The
proposal is to allow both parties to have
contiguous boundaries for their respective
properties. These were approved, stamped and
signed by Linda.
Ricky requested that we have printable copies of the
zoning permit application on our
website. Rich pointed out that the form exists but
must be accessed through a link on the ZBA site. We want to get this changed so it can be
accessed directly from the PB site.
Bill suggested that Ricky provide feedback to the PB
regarding any issues or problems
he encounters. Ricky said he could provide
information on permits to the PB.
Rich has been reappointed till 2020.
A letter to the county stating that it should not
approve any subdivision in the Town of
Varick without the approval of the town was sent to
the Town Board to be forwarded to the
county, however, we have received no response to this
letter and its disposition is uncertain. Bill will prepare another letter. Rich will verify with
Donna that the subdivision code she is using matches our current subdivision code.
Bill and Linda plan to attend the public hearing on
April 5th on the depot rezoning.
There is a Regional Local Government Workshop on May
19th in Pittsford for Planning
Board members and other local officials. Confirmation
of plans to attend should be in to Donna by the first of April. The town covers the cost of
this workshop. Web training is also available.
Planning Board members need 4 hours of training per
year. The regional workshop provides 8 hours.
We will postpone pursuing solar codes until after the
workshop since there is training
provided there that will prove valuable as we write
code for solar.
moved to adjourn and Bill seconded.

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