PB minutes 12/17/15

PB minutes 12/17/15
Meeting called to order at 7:05. Members present: Linda, Tom, Bill,
Dave, and Barry.
Linda gave an update about subdivision code and recent violations. We
discussed the possibility of requesting the town board to call for a moratorium
that will prevent any more subdivisions in the town until our code is revised.
Linda spoke with Wendy Marsh (a lawyer) who said she could help the town with
the legal provisions for a moratorium. This will give us sufficient time to
address this issue while preventing any more problems from improper approval of
After some discussion the following motion was made by Tom, seconded by
Dave and approved by all:
                “The Varick
Planning Board requests that the Varick Town Board place a moratorium on any
new subdivisions until the new subdivision code is adopted and to notify the
county clerk of said moratorium.”
This was sent via email to Donna Karlsen, Bob Hayssen, and Todd Horton
at 7:40 pm.
It was also suggested that if the TB does not move forward with
adopting the subdivision and depot zoning code proposed by the PB that we ask
them to adopt the former provisions and approve the depot zoning later.
We discussed the issue of temporary docks again. We agree that permits
need only be required the first year for putting in a temporary dock. We talked
about the possibility of the ZBA providing a variance for those that might not
meet setbacks. Tom composed the following language that we might adopt into the
current code:
“A temporary
dock only requires a permit initially and may be reinstalled annually as long
as it is placed in accordance with the constraints of the permit. If the lot is
too narrow for a dock to meet the side setbacks, the ZBA may consider granting
a variance for a temporary dock and hoist with smaller dimensions installed in
a way that does not impinge on the neighboring lots and contribute to
congestion. This provision shall not be used to justify allowing more docks on
larger lots.”
We also discussed zoning for solar panels. Tom read some considerations
from other code such as glare, height limitations, and screening from public
view. Bill suggested submission of a site plan review. Barry mentioned that we
might restrict the hamlet and lakefront districts to conditional use. We will
continue to consider what to add to the code by searching what might be in
other town codes.
We adjourned at 8:50 – motion made by Tom, second by Bill, approved.
Next meeting is January 28, 2016.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary

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