PB minutes 1/28/16

PB minutes 1/28/16

Draft Copy PB Meeting 1/28/16
Meeting called to order at 7:05. All members present.
Minutes to the 12/17/15 meeting were reviewed and approved, motion made
by Dave, second by Bill. An addition was made to the minutes to include the
language suggested by Tom concerning temporary docks.
The Town Board announced a public hearing to adopt the Subdivision Code
that we submitted with the depot Zoning Code instead of calling for a
moratorium per our last meeting. The hearing will be held on Feb. 2. Tom is
going to try to attend. Linda suggested that we each take turns attending TB
meetings to maintain communication on necessary issues. Rich proposed that the
PB should review the subdivision code if approved by TB to make sure it agrees
with our original submission.
Larry C’s term as Code Enforcement Officer expired. Ricky McCullogh is
taking his place. Linda is going to invite him to attend our next meeting.
Bill asked if our letter to the TB requesting a letter to be sent to
the county concerning PB approval of all subdivision applications was delivered.
Linda is going to inquire of Donna Karlsen.
There was a brief discussion concerning a proposal of Seneca County to
take over the depot area. Nobody knows how much progress is being made on bids
submitted for the area.
We decided to create a new Google document to keep track of progress we
are making on current issues – docks, solar panels, and wind energy. We will
add changes or additions each month to document our progress.
We returned to our work on the issue of temporary docks. We discussed
how to grandfather in current docks of this nature. We need to have some kind
of permit or document that identifies such docks. Both the owner and the town
should retain a copy of such documents.
We also considered
redefining “temporary” and decided to clarify this with “removable or
seasonal.” So far our language is:
“A temporary dock (removable or seasonal) only requires a permit
initially and may be reinstalled annually as long as it remains within the confines
of its original location and/or zoning setbacks, and providing its structure
remains unchanged. If the lot is too narrow for a dock to meet the side
setbacks, the ZBA may consider granting a variance for a temporary dock and
hoist with smaller dimensions installed in a way that does not impinge on the
neighboring lots and contribute to congestion. This provision shall not be used
to justify allowing more docks on larger lots.”
Motion to
adjourn was made by Hershey, second by Dave at 8:45.
Somerville, secretary

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