PB Minutes 11/19/15

PB Minutes 11/19/15

Draft Copy
PB Meeting 11/19/15
Meeting called to order at 7:05. Members
present were Dave, Linda, Tom, Rich, Barry, and Hershey.
A motion was made by Tom to adopt
minutes to October meeting, second by Linda, approved.
We spent some time discussing issues and
questions that were raised at the IDA meeting concerning the depot. Overall it
seemed to be a profitable discussion with many questions asked but not many
answers given. The IDA would like the depot to be sold but will not necessarily
take the highest bid. They seem to be concerned about the best development for
the advantage of each town. They need to develop criteria for accepting bids on
the depot lands.
It also seems to us that in order for
people to offer bids they will want to know what the zoning is for the area. We
are still waiting on the town board to accept the PB proposal for depot zoning.
Rich asked about the possibility of the
TB adopting everything that we have forwarded to them except the depot area
zoning. Tom said that SEQR requires adoption of the whole package. However,
Linda is going to inquire about it. It may be that our attorney can help us.
We are going to move forward on the
subdivision code language drawn from the town of Fayette. It seems to apply
well to our town. We will discuss adopting it into our code at the next
We also think it’s important to get
something into the code about wind and solar energy soon. We do not want to be
too restrictive, but some basic parameters concerning aesthetics, affect upon neighbors,
setbacks, glare, etc. need to be added to our code.
The next issue deals with docks that are
not permanent. Permits should not be required after the first year. We also
need to consider setback issues.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35, motion made
by Hershey, second by Dave. Next meeting is Dec. 17.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary

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