PB Minutes 4/23/15

PB Minutes 4/23/15

Draft Copy PB Minutes, 4-23-15
Meeting called to order at 7:06 pm. Members present were Linda, Tom,
Bill, Dave, Rich, and Barry.
Minutes for previous meeting were read and approved – motion made by
Rich, second by Dave.
Linda informed us of an email sent to her by Jeff Hogue concerning
issues we need to deal with at a future date. Jeff’s concerns are as follows:
1- Structures –
definition.  What are the various ways that someone might build or
construct something that should be kept out of setbacks and/or need a
permit.  You could still allow room for interpretation for the ZBA, but a
definition would help.  If I pile every used tire I can find into a the
shape (and height) of the Apollo 13 rocket, have I made a structure?
2- Permanent
structure – definition.  At what point in time should a ‘moveable’ camper
or shed placed (let’s say) inches from the property line be treated as a
permanent structure?  Is theoretically movable enough? 
3- note that #2
 affects the travel trailer/RV section of the code.
J has been informed of our timeline leading up to a public hearing. She plans
to attend our special meeting on May 11. We are still on track to finalize our
work at the regular PB meeting in May and have a public hearing in June.
volunteered to work on fonts and style for the Varick Subdivision Code we have
been addressing.
evening we finished reviewing and discussing this code. Changes were made in
the following sections:
                Art. II, Definitions – changed
definition of Town Engineer
                Art. IV, Sect 5 B – Side Lines
5 F – Monuments and Lot Corners
6 A, B, C
7 A, B, C, D, F
                Art V, Sect 2 A – Minor
Subdivision Plat, added (4).
A special meeting
will be held as mentioned above on May 11. At that time we will review our
progress and decide if a Public Hearing in June is feasible. We will review all
items at our regular meeting on May 28 and make final preparations for the
Public Hearing.
Motion to adjourn
made by Dave, second by Tom – 9:25 pm.
Barry Somerville,

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