Special PB Meeting 3/17/15
Meeting called to order at 7:05. All members present except Hershey.
Previous minutes were read and approved, motion made by Tom seconded by
We resumed work on Article IV, Sec. 8 of proposed cluster subdivision
regulations titles Cluster Subdivision.
regulations titles Cluster Subdivision.
The following headings have been devised for final submission and
approval: A. Authority, B. Purpose, C. Special Allowances; D. General Criteria;
E. Design Criteria; F. Determination of Overall Development Density; G.
Approval and Use of Cluster Open Space; H. Approval Procedures. However,
section H needs to be revised. We may be able to reference this to the minor
subdivision approval procedures in the existing subdivision code. We will work
on this at our next regular meeting.
approval: A. Authority, B. Purpose, C. Special Allowances; D. General Criteria;
E. Design Criteria; F. Determination of Overall Development Density; G.
Approval and Use of Cluster Open Space; H. Approval Procedures. However,
section H needs to be revised. We may be able to reference this to the minor
subdivision approval procedures in the existing subdivision code. We will work
on this at our next regular meeting.
Barbara J. will be notified to review our progress and provide input
for next meeting. Rich volunteered to backup all documents with Word docs.
for next meeting. Rich volunteered to backup all documents with Word docs.
Next meeting is 3/26/15. Motion to adjourn made by Dave, second by Tom.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary