Draft Copy PB Minutes 3/26/15
Meeting called to order at 7:03 – all members present except Dave.
Previous meeting minutes read – approved by Tom, second by Hershey.
Linda gave an update on a recent ZBA ruling. She reminded us to be sure
that we are not to give our personal interpretation of zoning code. Our job is
to write the code and submit to the town for approval. The code enforcement
officer and ZBA interpret the code.
that we are not to give our personal interpretation of zoning code. Our job is
to write the code and submit to the town for approval. The code enforcement
officer and ZBA interpret the code.
Linda conversed with Barb Johnston concerning questions we had about some cluster development
regulations we have been working on:
regulations we have been working on:
1. Design Criteria – #1, we decided to retain the 25 percent minimum
open space area for a cluster subdivision.
open space area for a cluster subdivision.
2. We added a section stating that cluster subdivision is final, no
further subdividing is allowed.
further subdividing is allowed.
3. We need to incorporate cluster subdivision in the existing
subdivision code but not get so involved as to begin another new project.
subdivision code but not get so involved as to begin another new project.
4. In Article III we want to encourage people to review cluster
development (Art. IV) as an option for subdividing.
development (Art. IV) as an option for subdividing.
We renamed Section H as Supplementary Application Requirements. Our
section heading letters will change somewhat to accommodate new additions.
These will be properly arranged in the final draft.
section heading letters will change somewhat to accommodate new additions.
These will be properly arranged in the final draft.
After concluding work on cluster subdivision we went to Article IV, Section
5 in the Varick Subdivision Code where Tom did some work in December (p. 21).
He introduced a table concerning buildable lots to be added to the code. We
hope to finish working on this section at our next meeting.
5 in the Varick Subdivision Code where Tom did some work in December (p. 21).
He introduced a table concerning buildable lots to be added to the code. We
hope to finish working on this section at our next meeting.
Our timeline for completion of this entire project – 1) Complete work
in April PB meeting, 2) Meet with Barbara on May 11, 3) Final approval at
regular meeting on May 28, 4) Hold public hearing in June.
in April PB meeting, 2) Meet with Barbara on May 11, 3) Final approval at
regular meeting on May 28, 4) Hold public hearing in June.
Our next meeting will be on April 23.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm – motion by Bill, second by Tom.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary