Varick Planning Board 12/18/14


Varick Planning Board 12/18/14

Draft Copy PB minutes 12/18/14
Meeting called to order at 7:10 – all members present except Dave Kidd.
Rich Olsen has been added as a new member of the board.
Minutes for Nov meeting were read and approved – motion made by Bill,
second by Linda.
Barry gave a brief overview of a webinar he attended on Rural Planning.
Bill noted that a copy of permits etc. granted by the Code Enforcement
Officer is to be forwarded to the PB secretary.
We reviewed section III of our current zoning code which contains most
of the parameters for building etc. that town people will need to use. This
part of the code is being reviewed and partially revised for the depot area
being rezoned.
Barbara Johnston came to the meeting at 8 pm to go over site plan
review and cluster development. She showed us her progress and wanted feedback
for site review plans and input as to what we would like for cluster
development. We believe that having a site plan in the code will help us
resolve a number of issues with special use permits. She gave us a sample copy
of a site plan review containing both general and specific parameters for
consideration. This would be incorporated in the code as sections 312 and 313.
As we reviewed the site plan sample questions were raised concerning
the right of the PB to waive certain sections, commercial driveway widths,
signage, and adding a section dealing with visual impact of the site. The PB
members will review this sample and offer recommendations for the next meeting.
We spent a few minutes discussing cluster developments and may include
this as a section under subdivisions. Barbara suggested that the PB have
authority to require this type of development when it appears to work better
with land development than a subdivision. Barbara gave us samples of such
development from the towns of Ithaca, Webster, and Ghent for our review.
Bill informed the PB that he has noted some inconsistencies that should
be reviewed and changed. We will attempt to include these changes at the public
meeting for depot rezoning and cluster development additions as long as it does
not slow down the process.
We will review all of the above in preparation for the next meeting
with Barbara on Jan. 15. We will collaborate by using Google Docs which will
make it possible to add our comments.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 – motion by Hershey, second by Bill.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary

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