A public hearing before the Town of Varick Zoning Board of Appeals will be held on
Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 7 PM in the Town Office Building on Rt. 96 for two applications
pertaining to area variances. A public hearing for an area variance is requested under Section
703.2 of the Varick Zoning Code. The Zoning Board will consider the following appeals for area
variances resulting from permits denied due to minimum setback requirements as stated in Town
of Varick Zoning Code 309.1: 

(1) Steven and Mellissa Zeitler, 5326 East Lake Road, Romulus, NY, requesting a side setback
variance of 7 ft. as opposed to the minimum 10 ft. setback; and

(2) Gene and Katharine Tolomeo, 5626 East Lake Road, Romulus, NY, requesting a center of road
setback variance of 27 feet as opposed to the minimum 50 ft. setback; and a side setback variance
of 6 feet as opposed to the minimum of 10 ft .

Said applications are on file and open for inspection at the Town Office Zoning Board of Appeals
located at the Town Barn on Route 96. Persons wishing to appear at the Hearing may do so in
person, by an attorney or by other representative. Communications in writing thereto may be
filed with the Board at the Town Building or at the Hearing.

Posted 2/20/2015

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