PB Minutes 8/28/14

PB Minutes 8/28/14

Draft Copy PB Minutes 8/28/14
Meeting opened at 7:05 pm. Members present were Hershey, Linda, Tom,
Todd, and Barry.
Previous minutes were reviewed and approved, motion made by Linda,
second by Todd.
Marc Romanowski came to the meeting to represent FLTG and readdress
issues concerning the depot zoning. A letter was sent to the board addressing
the following code revisions: 1) Allow warehouse, laboratory/R&D facilities
and light manufacturing to remain allowed as of rights in the SBPI district; 2)
Provide greater predictability in the code’s special use permit criteria, and
3) Remove the site plan requirement to obtain a zoning compliance permit.
The board thought these suggestions were good. Marc will contact
Barbara Johnston about these  changes to
the code.
Todd asked Marc a question about PUD’s as we are working on this aspect
of the code. He suggested we stay away from overlay districts and suggested
looking into cluster developments because they are mainly geared to residential
areas. He is going to direct us to a source that may help us with inquiries. It
may be that we can transfer our work on PUD’s and carry it over to this type of
We also reviewed an email that Todd received from Barbara J concerning
the following: 1) a revised zoning map that reconfigures the AR district
boundaries, 2) her agreement with the FLTG proposals, 3) Seneca White Deer
comments about adding more Conservation land.
We thought the proposal of a Site Plan Review process would help a lot
with the special use permit process. Tom and Linda are forwarding to us a
proposal we will consider to send to Barbara so she can work this into our
Todd is going to contact Barbara about expanding the Conservation area
south of SBPI district to the north end of the railroad line. We also want to
extend the residential district on the east side north to Van Riper Rd.
Next meeting is September 25. Meeting adjourned at 9:01, motion made by
Hershey, seconded by Tom.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary

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