Approved PB minutes 7/24/14

Approved PB minutes 7/24/14

Draft Copy PB Minutes 7/24/14
Meeting opened at 7:08, members present were Todd, Linda, Dave, and
The minutes of the May and June meetings were read and approved, motion
made by Linda and seconded by Dave.
Leslie Mauro, a lawyer representing Marc Romanowski from FL Tech Group
was present to address concerns about the zoning proposal for the depot. FLTG
seems interested in more specific language regarding telecommunications
equipment, warehouse usage etc. These were addressed in a letter sent to the
board that we have not had a chance to review. It seems that FLTG may want to
continue doing what they are doing without the hassle of special use permits.
We agreed to review and consider the items addressed in the letter but made no
promises to change the code. We will make a decision how to proceed at the next
Dave brought up a discrepancy in the current code regarding schools.
Sections 310.2 and 311.13 do not agree and need to be coordinated to read
schools under 36 students. It is likely that we can revise this without a
hearing, but we will ask Tom to make sure.
Todd brought up an issue concerning the AR zoning area on the west side
of the depot. The railroad would like this designated WITE to promote
industrial development near the entrance of the railway into the depot. Barbara
Johnston also thinks a change should be made. Todd is going to call her, Bob
Aronson, and Steve Absalom about these concerns. We need to make a decision
about it in our next meeting.
We learned that Bill Squires has resigned from the board and we need a
replacement. Barry will call Phil Knapp to see if he is interested in returning
to the board.
Next meeting is August 28. Motion to adjourn made by Linda, second by
Dave and approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary

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