PB minutes 4/24/14

PB minutes 4/24/14

Draft Copy PB minutes, 4/24/14
Meeting called to order at 7:04, Todd, Bill, Tom, Hershey, and Barry
PB minutes for February meeting were reviewed and accepted – motion
made by Bill, second by Hershey.
We briefly reviewed the Existing and Proposed Special Permit and Other
Criteria Applied to Specific Uses forwarded to us by Barbara Johnston. We
agreed to drop green energy as a separate category from the
Conservation/Recreation area.
We also reviewed the Proposed Revisions to the Town of Varick Zoning
Regulations. A column was added to the current zoning code for the WITE (warehouse,
industrial, transportation, energy) area in the depot. We discussed each item
tagged for special permit and referenced each section to our current code where
possible. There were only a few areas that we will need further help in defining,
such as cemeteries and large businesses and warehouses. Todd is going to
contact Harriet for input.
Two new special uses were developed, S311.18 – medium sized businesses,
and S311.19 – large business on depot.
It was agreed to send this work on to the Town Board for review. Any
input from them will be helpful. Only small revisions should be necessary once
we receive final recommendations from Barbara.
We closed the meeting with a discussion about the AR section in the
depot. It was suggested that we make this whole region WITE to encourage more
growth in these areas. Some feel we should leave the zoning the way it is,
others are open to changing the AR portion south of East-West Base Line Rd to
WITE. We are considering if the AR area north of this road should be included
as CR.
Our meeting closed at 8:55, motion made by Bill, seconded by Hershey.
The next meeting is 5/22/14.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary

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