PB minutes 1/30/14

PB minutes 1/30/14

Draft Copy PB Meeting 1/30/14
Meeting opened at 7:15 pm. All present except Todd and Linda. Tom acted
as temporary chair in Todd’s absence.
Hershey made a motion to accept the minutes from last month, Dave
seconded, motion passed.
We reviewed the informational meeting about the proposed rezoning of
the depot area. All seemed happy with the positive feedback from the meeting.
The proposal had general public approval, especially the possibility of a
county road cutting through the depot from Rt. 96 to Rt. 96a.
One question that was brought up at the meeting concerned who is
responsible if land is purchased and later found to have hazardous waste or
some other clean up issue. Tom informed us that it would go back to the Army as
the responsible party for dealing with such problems.
We also discussed the conservation area and the white deer population.
Bill brought up the need to give more details for the process of
obtaining a zoning compliance permit. This was duly noted by Tom and will be
adapted at some future date to make online applications easier.
Discussion turned back to PUD’s and if they should be allowed in the
WITE (warehouse, industrial, transportation, energy) area of the depot
rezoning. Residential is allowed in this area but we believe it is
inappropriate for PUD development. This will be added to the use table section
We talked about possibilities of expanding AG area farther east or
Conservation farther south in the Varick zone.
We reviewed our thoughts on density issues for PUD’s to bring Dave up
to speed.
Hershey and Dave needed to leave early so we dismissed at 8:28. Motion
for adjournment was made by Bill, seconded by Dave.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary

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