Varick Planning Board 10/24/13


Varick Planning Board 10/24/13

Draft Copy PB Minutes 10/24/13
Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm. Members present were Todd, Tom,
Hershey, Dave, and Barry.
A motion was made to accept the previous meeting minutes by Tom,
seconded by Hershey and approved.
Tom and Todd gave us an update on their meeting with Barbara Johnston
about the depot zoning. A zoning map of both towns (Romulus and Varick) was
reviewed as well as the current zoning for both towns. Another meeting is
scheduled for November.
Harriet Haynes from the Seneca County Planning Board met with us for
the rest of the evening. Todd had some questions related to the relationship
between the town and county planning boards. Harriet supplied us with much
helpful information via handout sheets. The first of these pertained to Town
Policy and Procedures regarding Planning and Zoning Applications. She also
provided copies of General Municipal Law section 239 L, M, and N. This is in
regard to interrelationships of town and county zoning actions. Associated with
this handout is the Memorandum of Understanding which listed a number of areas
that are not of concern to the county.
A site plan review and special use permit procedure sheet was provided
that looks to be very useful. We also received two handouts concerning findings
and decisions which are necessary to show the reasons why a determination is
made. Such findings are evidence which connects legal requirements to the facts
of a case or situation.
Some items concerning zoning were also discussed such as how the
boundary between the towns will be handled, the deer herd population, and town
controls in regard to Finger Lakes Railroad within the depot boundaries.
Todd questioned Harriet as to when it was necessary for the planning
board to contact or interact with the county planning board. Harriet said her
job is to provide technical assistance as desired by the local boards and that
she is only a phone call away.
We also discussed responsibility for SEQRA requirements when applying
for special uses. Part 1 is to be filled out by the applicant and requires
county involvement. Type 2 is the responsibility of the leading agency
involved. The applicant may fill it out, but if the planning board is the
leading agency it is wise to review it because they are ultimately held
We asked about the county’s place in the PUD process. Once the PB
writes the code it must be adopted by the TB and then passed on to the County
Planning Board.
The information that was provided will be very helpful to our board.
Members are supposed to review each handout and keep for future reference.
Tom moved to close the meeting, Dave seconded, passed. We adjourned at
8:50 pm. Next meeting will be Nov. 21.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary

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