Approved PB minutes 9/26/13

Approved PB minutes 9/26/13

PB Minutes
present: Todd H, Tom B, Linda M, Hershey S, and Barry S.
opened at 7:05 pm. A motion was made to accept previous meeting minutes by
Hershey S, second by Linda M, approved.
All were
happy to have internet access; however, due to poor reception we had to move
back into the kitchen area to complete our meeting.
proceeded on language for PUD’s to add to our current code. Section 311.18 –
changed language in section D. 2 – Elements of Approval, from 15 acres to 10.
We also determined that density considerations should be added to this section
as well as traffic language.
We worked
extensively on section E and considered changing it to Standards for PUD’s
section. Seven items were added to this. We also added density considerations,
setbacks, lot dimensions, multi-family dwellings, water and sewer requirements
as areas to be discussed and added to this or other sections.
We also
changed some language in section 404.2 Procedures for Special Use Permit in the
main paragraph and items 1) and 2).
Next PB
meeting is 10/24/13.
Motion to
adjourn submitted by Barry S, second by Linda M – adjourned 9:02 pm.
Somerville, secretary

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