Approved PB minutes 8/29/13

Approved PB minutes 8/29/13

called to order 7:02 pm. Bill Squires and Dave Kidd were absent.
Minutes were
approved – Motion made by Hershey S, second Linda M.
informed the PB about a dispute over leasing property for a used car lot on the
corner of 96a and Yale Station Rd. Town board, ZBA, PB members discussed
legality of such business. According to the town Zoning Code Section 308 Use
Table, vehicle sales are not allowed in this area. Any allowance would be spot
zoning which is illegal. Todd is going to inform Jeff (ZBA chair) of the zoning
Todd also
gave us a depot committee update. Barbara Johnston met with them and is going
to talk with people that we have met with who can give perspective and ideas as
to possible uses of the depot area. The next meeting will be Oct. 10. Goal is
to have a public meeting in November and the zoning issue finalized by January
We spent the
rest of the evening working on code language for PUD’s. We took a few minutes
to get Hershey settled into Google docs and finding out how to use this
application. We finished section 107, Definition of PUD’s; section 311.18,
PUD’s parts D8 and E; and decided to keep open the possibility of allowing
PUD’s in the Conservation, Recreation section or adding a zone for this purpose
in the area.
We mapped
out meeting dates for the rest of the year to work around the holidays.
Meetings for the rest of the year are 9/26, 10/24, 11/21, and 12/19.
motioned to end at 8:20 pm by Tom, second by Linda.

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