Approved Copy PB minutes 5/24/12

Approved Copy PB minutes 5/24/12

Draft Copy PB minutes 5/24/12
Meeting called to order at 7:02. Bill L. and Tom B. were absent.
Minutes from previous meeting were approved – motion made by Todd H.,
seconded by Phil K.
An update of the May 1, 2012 ZBA meeting concerning the Verizon cell
tower was presented by Barry S.
The ZBA agreed to hear Verizon’s presentation but no decisions have
been forwarded to the PB. We are aware that the VTB extended the shot clock to
June 2, 2012. If a hearing is scheduled it will need to be in that time frame.
At this point the PB is not aware of a need for further involvement. We are all
in agreement that this was a valuable learning experience for us. In the
future, the process of granting permits and determining areas of jurisdiction
will definitely improve.
There was brief discussion of areas that the ZB needs to consider at
future meetings outlined in our March meeting. An agenda will be set up for the
next meeting to begin dealing with these issues. Our goal is to review all issues
we are aware of, make necessary changes, and present them at one public
The board decided to begin meeting on a monthly basis, partially to
fulfill the requirement to approve the minutes within thirty days and partially
to keep abreast of issues that need to be addressed. Linda M made a motion to
hold monthly meetings, seconded by Todd H, motion approved.
Our next meeting will be June 28. Linda M moved to adjourn, Phil
seconded. Meeting closed at 8:09.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville

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