Varick Planning Board 5/25/11


Varick Planning Board 5/25/11

Planning Board Meeting – May 25, 2011
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by Bill Squires. Attendance – Tom Bjorkman, Todd Horton, Phil Knapp, Bill Larzelere, Barry Somerville, and Bill Squires.
Phil Knapp motioned to accept the minutes from the previous meeting, Todd Horton seconded. Motion passed.
We were informed by Bill S that Paul Conroy resigned as the Town Zoning Code Enforcement Officer. The new officer is Larry Colton.
Bill S handed out copies of the Zoning Board of Appeals Application for our review. No issues were raised.
The only item of business was to review a subdivision proposal, but the parties involved did not show up. Any such proposal will be assessed by the PB to check compliance to the zoning code and then a public hearing needs to be arranged.
After 25 minutes it was suggested that we adjourn. Motion was made by Tom Bjorkman, seconded by Bill Larzelere and passed by all.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary

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