Varick Planning Board February 25, 2010


Varick Planning Board February 25, 2010

Town of Varick Planning Board
February 25, 2010

Attending: Bill Squires, Todd Horton, Phil Knapp, Linda Mastellar, Thomas Björkman (note taker).
Absent: Bill Larzelere, Kevin Swartley

Called to order 7:02 pm.

Approved December minutes.
Moved: Knapp Second: Horton Aye: 5, No: 0

Bill Squires will check with Bob Hayssen on a schedule for Town Board presentations and a public hearing.

The board reviewed changes to be made in Article IV, the last part to touch up before sending the package to the Town Board.

We had already changed all occurrences of the term “Building Permit” to Zoning Compliance Permit.

Proposed additions and deletions are marked. The purpose of the change is in italics.

402.4 The Varick Code Enforcement Officer shall maintain a permanent record of all matters considered and all action taken by him. Such records shall form a part of the records of his office and shall be available for the use of the Town Board, and other officials of the Town, and available for inspection by the public.

For clarification.

402.5 The Varick Code Enforcement Officer shall transmit (1) one copy of all approved or denied applications for a Zoning Compliance Permit or Special Use Permit to the Town Clerk, one (1) to the Town Tax Assessor, one (1) copy to the Secretary of the Planning Board, one copy to Seneca County Code Enforcement, and, where applicable, one (1) copy to the County Planning Board.

To close the loop on notification and assure good communication among agencies.

403.1 (B) Change “Appeals Board” to “Planning Board”.

To be consistent with Special Use Permit procedures in 404. (See also 702.1 below)

403.1 (C) Rename Certificate of Occupancy” to “Certificate of Zoning Compliance”
To be consistent with new name of the permit that results in this certificate and to avoid confusion with the Certificate of Occupancy issued by the County building inspector.

404.1 B. Indent second paragraph to fit under the same (B). Delete “(1)” and “(30)”
To make clear that this paragraph applies to (B) only.

404.2 (1) furnished with ac copy
Fix typo

404.3 (C) Procedures for a Certificate of Occupancy Zoning Compliance: Following the completion of the construction, re-construction, or substantial improvement of any building or where a change in the use of a structure is proposed, the applicant shall transmit by registered mail or deliver in person to the Varick Code Enforcement Officer a letter stating that such construction has been completed or that a new use has been proposed. Within seven (7) days of the receipt of this letter, the Varick Code Enforcement Officer shall make all necessary inspections of the completed structure and proposed use to determine the conformance with this Ordinance. A Certificate of Occupancy Zoning Compliance shall be issued only if the Varick Code Enforcement Officer finds that the construction and proposed use comply with all the requirements and provisions of this Ordinance.
Same name change as in 403.1. Any delivery means is acceptable.

405.1 (A) The location, use, design, and dimensions (including and height) of each structure or building.
405.1 (C) 1. design plant

702.1. Board of Appeals
(B) Special Permits. To hear and decide upon application for such permits as specified in this Ordinance.
(C) Variances.

“Special Use Permits” are approved by the Planning Board as specified in 403.1 and 404. There are no other “special permits” so it will reduce confusion to delete reference to these non-existent entities.

Motion: Make the above changes to the Zoning Code and submit the resulting version to the Town Board for public hearing and action.
Move: Björkman Second: Horton. Aye: 5 Nay 0.

Additional changes to be made, but not part of the resolution.
Add to Zoning Compliance Permit application a statement about the Certificate of Zoning Compliance, so those who receive a permit know that they also need to get a certificate when they are done. Add a signoff line to the Permit so that the same form can become the Certificate.

The planning board needs to remind the Town Clerk and the Code Enforcement Officer of the record-keeping process for issuing permits and compliance so that the current state of permits is always up to date and that expired permits are followed up on.

The next step for our board is to make coordinated changes in the permit form and the subdivision code.

County comprehensive plan meetings are on March 1 (Waterloo) and March 18 (Ovid). It would be good for all Planning Board members to attend. All had received invitations.

Scepter. No new communications this month from them. All members have received comment, questions and inquiries from residents. A sense of the conversation was that the Scepter representatives have been candid and responsive; also that there are many challenging issues that need to be addressed in reviewing a monofill special use permit application. Members are withholding judgment until an application is received and reviewed.

Conservation area. The IDA is looking for a public entity to acquire a section within our Conservation, Recreation, and Green Energy Zone for the purpose of conservation use.

Motion: Adjourn
Move: Mastellar; Second: Knapp. 5 Aye, 0 Nay.

Adjourned at 8:18 pm.

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