Varick Planning Board May 28, 2009


Varick Planning Board May 28, 2009

Town of Varick Planning Board Meeting Minutes


Date of Meeting:  May 28th, 2009


Meeting called to order at 7:05pm by Chairman Bill Squires

Attendees:   Phil Knapp, Bill Larzelere, Linda Masteller, Bill Squires, ,Thomas Bjorkman

Absent: Kevin Swartley, Susan Ottenweller 


New Business:

Bill Squires talked about needing a temporary replacement for him as chairman for the next three months as he is having a knee replacement surgery. 

Thomas suggested Susan Ottenweller for the June meeting and Linda Masteller is willing to cover the July meeting and possibly beyond if needed.

Thomas Bjorkman asked when a public hearing may be scheduled for the Zoning Code changes. Bill Squires suggested possibly the July meeting , but others thought this was not realistic.  To be determined. 

Bill Squires left the meeting because of  pain. 

Linda Masteller thought the last working session  with the Town Board  and Zoning Board of Appeals went very well and there were no real major issues to be resolved.  Others agreed.


Code Concerns: 


Discussions and decisions on issues from the working session.


Canned Hunting: 

Ag and Markets has language describing “Canned Hunting”  It will be looked at to add to a definition in our code.


Boats Hoist Walls:

It was agreed that Canvas sides around a boat hoist are walls .  Add to the definition that “no vertical surfaces should protrude lower than standard roof construction over a boat hoist” and the Intent of the code is that it will not block neighbor’s lake view.


Mean High Water Mark:

Described in section 203.6 and will be added to the definitions.


New Condition 310.23

To be added and will be based on 310.18.  Concerns are Traffic, Parking(1 space for every 4 of seating space.), lighting , signage, noise.  Bill Larzelere to do.


Farm Animals : Discussion of farm animals in residential and lakeshore districts.  Thomas Bjorkman will check on Ag and Markets language and will be added to the definitions.


Equipment Rentals(canoes,kayaks in lakeshore district): 

All agreed that on the face of it  this seemed like a logical use, but  because of minimal lakefront available, low demand, potential headaches with parking, noise, liability, that this use would continue to be “not permitted”.


Residential Home Care:

Thomas Bjorkman was concerned about a business “pushing the limits” in the Lakeshore District and suggested making “conditional” in this district using 310.10 as the conditions.


Further discussion about the definitions concluded that we would combine the “four and fewer” and “five to nine” as a Residential Home Care Facility with a new definition and “10 or more” will be an “Institutional” facility.  A question was raised about what a “Halfway House” (drug rehab) would be and if this would be a permitted use.   No conclusion on this.


 Veterinary Services in Lakeshore Residential Zone:

It was decided to allow this use as “conditional” using 310.10 as the conditions for operation. A definition of Veterinary Services Exclusive of Boarding, will be added and be defined as “On premise health care for animals.”  Animal boarding is considered a Kennel and is regulated elsewhere in the code.


Home Schooling:

Discussion on definition of  a School.  Will use Dave Stonefiser’s  definition for “School” and leave Bulk Table as is.


Bulk Table:

It was decided to take out the development features and add these to the Sub Division code.  We will submit these changes to the Town Board at the same time as the Zoning Code to be presented at Public hearing.    The grandfathering of the existing lot development will be addressed by taking these development features out of the Zoning Code


Page 22-  12 feet above centerline east of rt. 89 –  This is reasonable as it covers the height of houses on the east side of rt 89 where the land level is significantly lower than the road level and is close to the road.


309.2-  A  will read “Unregistered Vehicles. A Vehicle of any type is permitted to undergo major overhaul, including bodywork, provided that such work is performed inside a structure or similarly enclosed area properly constructed for such purpose.”


Page 24  Drainage-  Add language to reference drainage plan on page 4


Sign sizes :

Decided that a double-sided sign of a maximum of 15 square feet will be allowed in the Hamlet and Lakeshore District.


Temporary Board Chairman

Thomas Bjorkman made a motion that Linda Masteller be named Temporary Chairman of the Planning Board starting with the July meeting.  Phil Knapp seconded.   Vote was unanimous to approve the motion.



Next Meetings:

June 25th at 7:00 pm in the Varick Firehouse

July 30th at 7:00 pm in the Varick Firehouse


Meeting adjourned:   9:15pm


Minutes Submitted by: Bill Larzelere -Secretary












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