Varick Planning Board January 22, 2009


Varick Planning Board January 22, 2009

Town of Varick Planning Board Meeting Minutes


Date of Meeting:  January 22nd, 2009


Meeting called to order at 7:15pm by Secretary Bill Larzelere. Noting several members were absent, the meeting would be brief.


Attendees:   Phil Knapp, Bill Larzelere, Linda Masteller, Susan Ottenweller

Absent:  Thomas Bjorkman, Bill Squires, Kevin Swartley


Guest: Code Enforcement officer Paul Conroy


Minutes Approved:  

Minutes from December 18th meeting were approved as written. Linda Masteller made the motion to approve and Susan Ottenweller seconded.  The vote was unanimous.


New Business:

 New Code Enforcement Officer Paul Conroy introduced himself to the Board and brought a  question about a Permit request from a Mr. Thomas Wilson of  5406 Rt. 96A.  This request was for construction of a 30’x50’ building and a 28’ x150’ greenhouse on a 15 acre parcel owned by Mr. Wilson. Conroy presented the permit request and a drawing showing the buildings on the site with driveway and parking areas also marked out.  The question from Conroy was the purpose of the building which was for a  Farm Store selling fruits and vegetables raised on the property.  Conroy was unsure if all proposed businesses in the Town had to be approved by the Town Planning Board and wanted to make sure we were “all on the same page”.

After discussion, Larzelere noted that the first place to go was the Zoning Code and specifically the Use Tables for the Zone.  This would show if the use was permitted or not and if there were any “conditions” required for the use.  It looked to the Board that this would be an approved use, but would be discussed first with our Chairman and then , if necessary, at the next Planning Board meeting in February.   Larzelere said he would talk to Bill Squires and show him the drawings. 

Paul Conroy also asked a question about if a permit was approved for a building, and after it was built, the owner changed the use of the building to something other that what was on the original permit. How is this to be addressed and handled?  This was put on the discussion list for the next meeting.


Larzelere thanked Paul Conroy for his questions and made sure he knew he was invited to all our meetings.


The next meeting: was set for February 26th, 2009 at the Varick Firehouse


The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm


Minutes respectfully submitted: Bill Larzelere(Secretary)







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