Approved Minutes from June 26th Meeting


Approved Minutes from June 26th Meeting

Town of Varick Planning Board Meeting Minutes

Date of meeting: June 26th , 2008

Meeting called to order: 5:45pm

¨ Attendees: Bob Kayser(Chairman ), Thomas Bjorkman, Phil Knapp, Frankie Long, Bill Larzelere, Susan Ottenweller, Kevin Swartley , Miles Persing(Code Enforcement Officer)
A quorum was present.

Public Hearing on Hammond Sub division

Sub division of Barbara Hammond’s property on Rt 89 was opened for public comment. There was none. Board member Susan Ottenweller asked why the 50 ft. lake frontage was detailed on the drawing and was shown the right of way notation on the drawing and assured that this was only a Right of Way negotiated with Barbara Hammond to give them lake access and was not part of the subdivision.
Being no other comments Chairman Kayser asked for a vote and the Subdivision passed unanimously.
The Public Hearing was closed at 5:55 pm and the Board moved to the Town Boards Public Hearing on the Zoning Code Revisions.

Regular Planning Board Meeting

At 9:20 PM The regular meeting of the Planning Board was called to order by Chairman Kayser.

Attendees: Bob Kayser(Chairman ), Thomas Bjorkman, Phil Knapp, Frankie Long, Bill Larzelere, , Kevin Swartley , Miles Persing(Code Enforcement Officer)
A quorum was present.
Absent: Susan Ottenweller

¨ May 22 Meeting minutes approved– TB moved- PK seconded- Voted Unanimous to accept

¨ Planning Board Chair Report

1. Zoning Board of Appeals had heard Rick Conley’s appeal of a stop work order and rejection of a building permit of a dock and deck and had approved the construction based on the date of the beginning of the project and construction details presented to them.
2. Noted that in his discussions with the DEC and the OGS, that they will not go against local Town Ordinances with regard to Lakefront development beyond their basic requirements for protection of the shoreline and aquatic habitat. Two items as examples(not detailed) are “no residence allowed in boathouses” and “no cantilevered structures or platforms over the water other that docks of conforming size.”
3. Planning Board Chair resignation.
During the Town Board’s Public hearing, Bob Kayser had resigned as Chairman of the Planning Board effective at midnight of June 26th. Reasons for his resignation were noted in a statement read during this hearing. Bob thanked the Planning Board as a whole, and each individual personally, for the opportunity to work with them and wished all good luck. Several members thanked him for his service and wished him well noting that his expertise and diligence will be missed.

¨ Zoning Code Enforcement Officer Report

Miles Persing.
1. The Pleasant Valley Mobile Home Park was able to adjust the location of the trailer they wished to install and meet all the setback requirements. This allowed him to be able to issue a Permit for the existing unit to be replaced.
2. Has been able to work well with the County Planning Board.
3. Storage shed placement has been an issue and in his opinion will need to be addressed in the upcoming Zoning Code revisions.
4. Code Enforcement officer resignation.
Miles announced his intent to resign his position of Code Enforcement Officer and thanked the Board and members for the help all had given him in training and working with the new Code. It was everyone’s opinion that Miles had done a great job and was disappointed that he had come to this decision. ( In subsequent negotiation with the Town Board, Miles did agree to continue with an increased salary and “full time” job designation.)

New Business Discussion

1.Replacing Planning Board Chairman- Kevin Swartley suggested we wait until a full Board can be present. All agreed.
2. No other new business since it was not known what the decision of the Town Board would be regarding rescinding the Town of Varicks Zoning Code.

Next Meeting: Our next regular meeting will be July 29th at 7:00pm in the Varick Firehall. Note that this is not the regular date, but vacations and business trips caused a new date to be agreed on.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted,
Bill Larzelere- Secretary

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