Björkman comment on June 26 meeting

Björkman comment on June 26 meeting

This commentary was published Tuesday 6/24 in the Finger Lakes Times

The Varick Town Board is about to consider an ill-advised return an old and obsolete zoning code, throwing out recent well-researched revisions that are essential for protecting the interests of Varick’s residents.

The new code is truly the plan of the people of Varick. Hundreds of people had direct input to the planning board through our comprehensive planning, and during the two years that the Planning Board turned the vision into specific policies. Those policies are in the new code that was adopted last December. The full text is on Varick’s website

Varick will continue to change; residents get a say in how that change happens through local zoning. The new up-to-date zoning code lets those of us who have chosen to live in Varick have some assurance that what we value will still be here tomorrow. Our neighbors on Canandaigua and Keuka Lakes waited until it was too late. They suffer with congestion and high taxes that many in Varick shudder at. There is till time to determine our fate, but not much time.

The main thing the new code achieves is to create districts that reflect different expectations and land use challenges.

  • The lakeshore and hamlet zones require some protections to recognize the high-density residential development there.
  • Agriculture is central to Varick’s nature, both as a major business and what creates the beautiful environment that we so value.
  • Hamlet vitality is encouraged through development that makes them more attractive to live in.
  • The plan encourages business, especially home-grown small business, that strengthens our community. The businesses at the north end of the Depot, Finger Lakes Technology and Hillside Children’s Center, are good fits that need encouragement and protection from incompatible uses.
  • Water is a defining character of Varick, and resident are deeply concerned about water quality. The plan protects water quality, especially near the lakeshore.

The new code provides basic protections for residents and property owners in Varick that were missing in the previous code.

Of interest to many residents is that the code addresses our vision for future development on the former Seneca Army Depot. The old code left the town with no say in Depot development. In New York, the Town has responsibility for determining land use. The new code fulfills that responsibility by establishing guidance for Depot land that reflects what Varick resident value: Conservation, recreation and green energy. It also gives town officials needed support to partner with the Seneca County IDA in redeveloping this property for the benefit of the community.

In a small town, providing accurate, uniform, customer-friendly zoning enforcement is a challenge. The code revisions are designed to be very clear. Residents can plan projects seeing clearly what provisions need to be met for the community’s sake. They are also easier and less expensive to enforce so that they are fair to everyone.

Town residents need to make it clear to board members that the protections instituted last December are important. The spirit of lawlessness that is motivating the rescission drive rejects their accountability to the residents of the town, and a failure to take responsibility for our future. Rescinding the conservative revisions of the zoning code leaves the town vulnerable and without an adequate voice in its own future. Oral and written input will be accepted at the Varick Fire Hall on Thursday June 26 at 6 pm.

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