Varick Planning Board October 2007


Varick Planning Board October 2007

Varick Planning Board
October 25, 2007

Meeting called to order: 7:05pm

Attendees: Thomas Bjorkman (Chairman), Bob Kayser, Bill Larzelere, Larry Peterson, Frankie Long, Kevin Swartley
Absent: Annie Bachman

The September meeting minutes were approved. Kayser moved, Peterson seconded

New Business:

  • Amended language to subdivision code: Presented by Bjorkman in the document italicizes language changes.
    • Subdivide property once is considered a subdivision subject to planning board approval. (2 or more lots)
    • Lease or conveyance
    • Sec. 4B Change of language to define the format of the drawings required
  • Long- motion to approve changes to sub-division language as submitted and discussed. Kayser second- approved unanimously.

Old Business:
Discussion of issues of concern brought up at the public informational meeting from residents:

  • Kayser talked to Dick Peterson about his concerns.
    • Unused farm equipment – 1 year period is too short before removal. Discussion concluded that if equipment isn’t used for one year that it needs to conform to section 309.2 paragraph B and be screened from neighbors view.
    • Painting of vehicles in approved spray booth- Too restrictive and unenforceable. Discussion concluded Ag. equipment in Ag./Rural Residential zone is exempt and took out language requiring approvals and a spray booth. New language (pg19 309.2 paragraph A) would require “such work is performed inside a structure or similarly enclosed area designed for such purpose”
  • Setbacks better defined- sec 309.1 General Design Standards- Bulk tables
    • Front setback- 50 feet from centerline of road.
    • Lakeshore Zone- Main structure height measured from the mean high water mark and also the measuring point for the rear(lakeside) setback.
    • All setback requirements are the landowners responsibility to assure compliance with the code
  • Lakeshore Zone
    • Add in 309.5e1 parking for cottages – new construction- provide off street parking for a minimum of two cars.
    • Dock language- boat houses are to be a maximum of 16 ft. to the peak of the roof.
  • Grandfathering – Non conforming uses can not be passed on to heirs
  • Outdoor retail sales-
    • Size of sales booth is defined in code
    • Outdoor retail sales of agriculture products are approved for all zones
  • Puppy Mills
    • Frankie Long does not believe we address the issue decisively
    • Ag and Markets has the regulations and is the enforcer
  • Kevin Swartley made the point that a Varick Town board member suggested that our code does not provide for industrial or ancillary businesses on the depot in the Town of Varick. Bjorkman clarified that this issue had been thoroughly discussed in several prior meetings and was addressed in the Comprehensive Plan and the public surveys. The zoning code is consistent with these.
  • Timeline for adoption of Zoning Code Revisions
    • Presented by Bjorkman – Need to do SEQR and present to Town Board in the November meeting. Town Board will forward to the County Planning board for their approval and then back to the Town of Varick Board for approval at the December Board meeting.
    • Kayser will work with Harriet Haynes to complete the SEQR.
  • Frankie Long moved that all changes be approved and presented to the Town of Varick Board. Larry Peterson seconded and the motion passed with one negative vote.

Next meeting was set for November 15th 7:00pm at the Varick firehouse

Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Bill Larzelere Secretary

Approved November 15, 2007

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