Varick Planning Board September 2007 Agenda


Varick Planning Board September 2007 Agenda

Varick Planning Board
September 27, 2007

Approve minutes
August 23, 2007

Committee reports: none

Information items:

Commercial use of Carl Stuck property:
East Coast Flooring, Jennifer Salone and Joseph Sapio, Atty at Law

Discussion items: none
New Business: none
Old business:

Zoning Code

  • “Grandfathering needs to be specific” for uses, structures and lots that become non-conforming
  • What is seasonal use of travel trailer?
  • Information meeting: date, location, outline, advertising
  • Small Business Park and Institutional south border
  • Special Uses
  • Common Access

New subdivision proposals: None

Set next meeting time: Currently scheduled for October 25, 2007 7:00 pm


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