Legal Ad for Engineering Services

Legal Ad for Engineering Services


The Town of Varick, Seneca County, New York, will be accepting statements of qualifications for Engineering Consulting Services in connection with the Town’s proposed Sewer District #4 sewer improvement project and a proposed future extension Sewer District #3 (the Hamlet of Fayette within the Town of Varick borders)

The Town is now seeking an engineering firm to design, administer, construct and close out the project as needed. Financing is anticipated to include Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF), Water Infrastructure Improvement Act (WIIA) and Water Quality Improvement Program (WQIP) funding at a minimum. The Town may pursue Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding for the Hamlet project. The selected engineering firm will be responsible for complying with all funding agencies’ requirements

Utilizing a qualifications-based process, the Town will select a consulting engineering firm licensed in the State of New York to design, bid, administer and close out the project. The selection of the consultant will be valid for a period of three (3) years from the date of Town Board approval and the Town reserves the right to renew the selected consultant contract for an additional three (3) years.

The full Request for Qualifications may be obtained from the Town of Varick , by contacting Angela Testa, Bookkeeper at 4782, Route 96, Romulus, Wednesday and  Thursday from 9:00 AM to 2:00 or by visiting the Town website at

All proposals should be marked with the following language: REQUEST FOR ENGINEERING QUALIFICATIONS – TOWN OF VARICK SD #4

Proposals may be transmitted as one file electronically in a PDF format consisting of a Statement of Qualifications per the requirements of the RFQ or one (1) bound copy of your qualifications statement via mail in a sealed envelope no later than Noon on Thursday, October 10, 2024, the submittal deadline date.  Proposals received after that time will not be considered.

Proposals should be submitted to Angela Testa, Town of Varick, 4782 State Route 96, Romulus, NY 14541 or may be emailed to

The Town of Varick is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. The Town encourages Section 3 Businesses, Minority-owned Business Enterprises (MBEs) and Woman-owned Business Enterprises (WBEs) to submit qualifications.

The Town of Varick will award a contract to the engineering firm deemed most qualified to provide services as requested.

The Town of Varick reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.

Town of Varick

County of Seneca, State of New York

Dated:  September 10, 2024

Donna Karlsen, Clerk

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