Varick sign

Town of Varick

4782 Rt. 96
Romulus, NY 14541
Dock Barn
Depot Rezoning 2014

The Army will be turning over full control of the former Seneca Army Depot to Seneca County in 2015. Its civilian uses in the future will be in accordance with town zoning, just like the rest of the town. The town leaders felt that it would be helpful to all involved if the current zoning of the Depot property were updated to reflect new information about the existing condition of the land and the future uses that would suit town values best. In addition, coordinating the rezoning with our neighboring town of Romulus will result in a better plan.

Residents' input is eagerly sought on the first draft of this plan. The documentation is linked below. A public meeting to describe what the planning subcommitte found, and to start the community conversation will be held on January 23, 2014 at 7:00 pm at the Romulus Central School Auditorium.

1. Objectives of the zoning revision

2. Current zoning

3. Proposed zoning revisions

An exhaustive study of town values is available in our comprehensive plan, and the survey that was performed as part of that planning.


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