
Town of Varick Planning Board

May 23, 2002
7:00 pm

Approve minutes 5 min

Comments from residents 5 min each

Committee reports

Campground regulation (McMillan) 20 min

Telecommunication towers 20 min

Information Items

Cesspool ordinance progress 10 min

Industrial Zone for KidsPeace 5 min

New Business
Proposal to change the title 10 min
"Building Inspector" to "Code Enforcement Officer"

New subdivision proposals

Set next meeting time

Currently scheduled for July 25, 2002 2 min



The Town of Varick Planning board met on May 23, 2002 in the Varick Fire House. The Chairman Thomas Björkman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present were Board Members: Kevin Swartley, Larry Peterson, David McMillan, Bill Larzelere and recording Secretary Caroline Herd.

Absent were Board Members Richard Foxx; Mel Russo.

A motion to accept the minutes of the meeting of March 28, 2002 as amended was made by David McMillan and was seconded by Kevin Swartley. Motion was carried.

2) Comments from residents: No residents were present.

3) Committee Reports:

Campground Regulations- Fire hazards need to be addressed. Public notice will go out with quarterly newsletter. David McMillan will check with Charlie McCann on the necessity of a fire hydrant or water source around the campground. Motion to accept the regulations was made by Bill Larzelere and seconded by Larry Peterson. Motion was carried.

Telecommunications Towers- On page 4, SP-shows special use permit and N means not allowed. Item needs to be added to number 2 paragraph 303.2E stating that adding an additional shared use requires amending the permit and approval of planning board which will assess the impact of visual engineering and analysis. Motion to forward the telecommunications towers regulations to the town board as amended was made by Kevin Swartley and seconded by Dave McMillan. Motion was carried

4) Information Items:

Cesspool ordinance is in progress. This topic cannot go any farther until Pat Morell explains what permit he is talking about and clears it with the NYS Dept of Agriculture and Markets.

Industrial Zone for KidsPeace in 1988 Varick established industrial zones to put them where needed. There has been no need for them yet, but KidsPeace does fall in the category of" Large Business". The Planning Board will try to work cooperatively with KidsPeace to establish an industrial zone there.

5) New Business: The building inspector doesn’t inspect buildings. The current title for building inspector is Code Enforcement Officer, and should be changed in the Varick Zoning Code. Motion to move the issue to the town board for consideration was made by Bill Larzelere and seconded by David McMillan. Motion was carried

6) New subdivision proposals: none

7) The next meeting is currently scheduled for July 25, 2002 at 7:00 p.m.

8) The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

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